Sunday, March 3, 2013

Letting Go

There has to come a point in life where you have to let go of the pain that someone has caused you in the past and move on. Well for me there is a person whose actions have caused a great deal of pain not only to myself but to others. This week there came a point where I had to make a choice whether or not I held onto my fear of being hurt again or if I once and for all let it go. 

As a Christian we are taught to forgive. I believed that I had but there was a part of me that held back from a deep connection with this person because of my fear, because of my wariness. To be honest I don't believe it is without foundation, this person has never shown any remorse for the pain and upheaval and they have never apologised for the damaged they did or the betrayal their lies and manipulation cause. I was moving on at my own pace, trying to let go but being forced to make this choice had me wanting to stamp my feet and scream like a tired 2 year old in the middle of busy shopping centre because my Mummy wouldn't buy me a chocolate.

Then I realised that part of me wanted to hold onto everything. I had been deeply hurt and damn it I wanted them to care about that. But here's there kicker, its not doing me any good. Yes I have been hurt, yes I am concerned about putting my family in a position where they may be hurt again but I can not go around expecting pain because I will be short changing myself the joy of life and I refuse to live like that. So this is me.... 

Letting Go

It's official

Its official we are going to Peru!!!

I have been saying it since December but this week we finalised all our plans and booked everything for the most incredible trip in September this year.

We will be Rafting on the white-waters of the Apurimac River for 3 days, 

travelling to Ollantaytambo through the Sacred Valley, 

climbing the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu which will take us 4 days 

and mountain biking down the Manu Cloud Forest for 3 days. 

This is the biggest part of our trip and we will be able to spend time in Cuzco in between each part. 

After this we will be heading up the Amazon to spend 4 days in the Amazon Rainforest where we will be able to walk through the jungle, take canoe trips and swim in the Gallucunca. 

From here we will head up to Puno and the out to Lake Titicaca to experience the local culture by staying with a family on one of the reed islands 

before heading back up to Lima for a few days before our massive journey home.

I am beyond excited about this trip and Louis is even more excited than I am. It seems like a long wait until September but then I remember that we are already in March!!!!! So it will be here before we know it.